Message from the director

Message from the director
In our academic charter, Nagoya University has declared ‘to maintain a free and vibrant academic culture with the mission of contributing to the well-being and happiness of all people, through education and research into all areas of nature, society, and humankind.’ To adequately accomplish this mission, it is imperative that we create an environment in which all persons associated with our university are able to enjoy the educational and research opportunities available here, without experiencing any discrimination on grounds of disability.
In satisfactorily meeting such demands, Nagoya University opened the Office for Students with Disabilities at the Center for Student Counseling in April 2010, followed by the establishment of the Social Services Office at the Advising & Counseling Section of the International Education and Exchange Center for international students. In these ways our university has been striving to create a learning environment accessible to all students, regardless of whether or not they have a disability.
The Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities was enacted in June 2013 and came into force on April 1, 2016, as part of the development of domestic legislation to carry out the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Vice President of Nagoya University
Director of the Disability Services Office
Motokazu Kimata
Our university seized this opportunity to establish the Disability Services Office, aiming to eliminate social barriers for all persons associated with Nagoya University. Although we are beginning trials, including the way to providing reasonable accommodations suitable for a university environment, through our various activities at the Disability Services Office we are doing our best to contribute in any way we can to the elimination of discrimination on grounds of disability.